About Me

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I am a wife to a very supportive hard working husband who puts up with my fabric addiction and a mother of one energetic and silly little boy who constantly asks "Momma, what are you making?" and who absolutely DREADS going to JoAnn's (luckily Momma lets him play games on her phone). My boys are however very sweet to compliment my work and take an interest in it. I have an absolute obsession with SEWING and creating things! I often wonder if I'll ever have enough time to complete ALL of the projects that are stirring around in my head??...Doubtful, but...Here are a few of my latest creations...enjoy!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My little Rayce

So...it's been a VERY long time since I've been on here...
And I'll take all the blame for it because I've been completely
with KiSsInG and CuDdLiNg my
adorable, sweet, cute, loving
new bundle of JOY
We were blessed with him on Saturday, June 23, 2012
oddly just HOURS before I was scheduled to be induced I went into labor
I woke up around 3am in active labor, contractions were 1-2 minutes apart
I did what any normal woman would do...
I timed them for about 30 minutes
said to myself
"yep, I'm in labor"
and then decided to get ready for the day
I began by straightening my hair...
a completely normal task I do everyday
(keep in mind I'm in LABOR, contractions 1-2 min apart)

I think it took me about a half hour to straighten my hair
I remember thinking to myself
"ok, that contraction just ended so I have about a min to 2 min before I have another one
so I have to straighten as much has as possible before the next one hits"
needless to say by the time my hair was
done makeup was out of the question
I woke my hubby
(who instantly FREAKED)
"WHAT?! You've been in labor for an HOUR
and you didn't wake me up?!"
"Yes dear, that's correct, because I knew you wouldn't
let me do my hair if I did"
We drove to the hospital about 5am
(I was scheduled for induction at 8am)
My sweet little Rayce was born at 11:10am
Our life has never been any sweeter
We are SO blessed and lucky to have him in our home
(ok, ok, so after I got the epidural I did my makeup)

(PROUD big brother)
Here are some of the projects I did for my little Rayce...
 changing table pad cover and diaper/wipe case cover

John Deere Blanket (with a JD daddy we COULDN'T NOT have one of these)

Quilt for his bed, also made a matching sheet. I still need to applique his initial to the quilt

Personalized Hoodie
Personalized Blanket
There are TONS more projects to post so hopefully next time my little bundle naps I can continue to update the Blog...
hope this will tide you over till then! :)

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