This fabric was on sale for a ScReAmInG deal...
I think $2.50 a yard if I remember right
So I bought a bunch of it and waited to be inspired as to what I should make with it
When my sister Michelle's Birthday approached I figured this would be a
great opportunity to make something more personalized
side note: I LOVE making personalized gifts
I went to my fabric shelf and rediscovered this adorable print
So I decided to alter a previous bag pattern into a smaller purse pattern and
add some cute ribbon on the sides for bows
This bag was SO EaSy
(or should I say SEW EASY lol)
I have dreams of making one for myself
(and already have the fabric I want to make it out of too, it's HOT PINK Corduroy!)
My sister absolutely LOVED it...
I was actually pretty tempted to keep it for MYSELF! :)
sorry the picture quality isn't that great...
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my purse!! Thank you so much for making such a cute bag for ME!!