About Me

My photo
I am a wife to a very supportive hard working husband who puts up with my fabric addiction and a mother of one energetic and silly little boy who constantly asks "Momma, what are you making?" and who absolutely DREADS going to JoAnn's (luckily Momma lets him play games on her phone). My boys are however very sweet to compliment my work and take an interest in it. I have an absolute obsession with SEWING and creating things! I often wonder if I'll ever have enough time to complete ALL of the projects that are stirring around in my head??...Doubtful, but...Here are a few of my latest creations...enjoy!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


For few months I've been wanting my own labels to sew on
I make

I searched
high and low
and actually found a company
on Etsy that I was ready to order through


I saw this idea
(on Pinterest I think)
where you can have CUSTOM FABRIC

so...I decided I would take this route for (FINALLY!) getting my labels

I ordered my fabric on
check em out here
I actually ordered some other SUPER cute custom printed fabric that will make it's debut on here...someday ;) ...if you're lucky

I received it a few short days later
(if I remember right)

and fell IN LOVE <3

The only downside to doing it this way is I literally have to
each and EvErY label

First by
cutting the fabric
then by
ironing back the raw edges
(to avoid fraying)

They I simply sew them on whatever projects I'd like
(so it's actually not that time consuming to make them)


These babies are going on EVERYTHING I make from now on!!

fresh cut label with unfinished raw edges

edges ironed back

completed label sewn onto inside of Shane's school bag :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bowlero Jacket

Alright so we had FAMILY pictures coming up
(I LOVE new family pictures!!!) and I wanted a
Cute/Elegant Jacket
to go with my

PRETTY Black Lace Dress
(special thanks to Victoria's Secret! LOVE my DRESS!)

I didn't actually do much looking for a jacket because I decided I was up for a good challenge

Found this
and the
pretty red Satin fabric
at JoAnn's :)

Spent a Saturday at my aunt's
and with the help of a few lovely ladies
I was able to get this jacket put together in a few short hours...

This jacket wasn't actually all that hard to make
(though I'd like to refer to my previous feelings about patterns....WHO THE HECK WRITES THESE THINGS?!?!)

I think it turned out pretty good but...


see for yourself :)