About Me

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I am a wife to a very supportive hard working husband who puts up with my fabric addiction and a mother of one energetic and silly little boy who constantly asks "Momma, what are you making?" and who absolutely DREADS going to JoAnn's (luckily Momma lets him play games on her phone). My boys are however very sweet to compliment my work and take an interest in it. I have an absolute obsession with SEWING and creating things! I often wonder if I'll ever have enough time to complete ALL of the projects that are stirring around in my head??...Doubtful, but...Here are a few of my latest creations...enjoy!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

So…..SCHMOES?!...yes, I know it’s Smores, I did this for you Marie =)

Hubby and I are headed out for a FUN camping trip with family next weekend

I have always wanted my own Hot Dog/Marshmallow Roasting Sticks
and FINALLY found some
(finding them was a whole other story J)

Luckily the lady I purchased them from sells them with our without the bag.
I, of course, wanted to make my OWN bag J

I found this adorable THICK material at Home Fabrics (LOVE)

No pattern used for this project.

This was pretty thick material so I probably should have used a denim needle to sew
(lucky I didn’t break a needle!)

I know the cute cream ribbon won’t stay clean forever
it had to at least start out looking super cute and clean J

I’m really happy with how it turned out
…and now…
I’m making a bag for my mom’s hot dog/marshmallow sticks too!

Ahoy There Matey Shane! Find Ye Hidden Treasure at PreSchool!

My sweet cousin Janae has been nagging J me to make her a scripture bag.
I pulled this pattern from my AmAzInG ‘One Yard Wonder’ book
(another GREAT project!)

This bag is however, obviously, not for Janae
(sorry nae… L yours is coming VeRy soon though)

I knew I wanted to make a ‘test’ one first so I could figure out any ‘nitches’ in the instructions (seriously, sometimes I wonder WHO writes these patterns??
They can be so confusing or have added unnecessary steps)

So, to try out the pattern, I of course, HAD to buy CuTe material and make a bag for
 (of course!)

Found this cute material The Ribbon Retreat (check em out here)

This bag was pretty simple and I had to add the ‘s’ on there, Shane is
SUPER obsessed
with his stuff being labeled with his name, and he is equally obsessed with

When I showed this to Shane he fell in love with it instantly
then retreated by saying
"MOM! polka dots are for GIRLS!"
he INSISTED I changed the strap and the ‘s’ to the skull pirate material

…as much as I love you son, the product is done
(and adorable I might add)
and I will not be changing it J

He accepted my gracious decline to alter the bag and is excited to take it to Preschool
…mom however is a little reluctant to let this adorable bag out of my sight!

No Pattern Skirt!

So I’ve had this navy blue skirt now for quite a few years a LOVE it.
It’s made out of knit fabric and is SO comfy.

I decided I wanted another one so I checked out the fabric stores for some knit and found this ADORABLE fabric and Porter’s (of course!)

I was feeling ultra brave/creative so I didn’t even attempt to find a skirt pattern.
I simply took my precious blue skirt, 
laid it on the polka dot fabric,
performed some pinning,
some cutting
and some sewing
and VOILE!

The skirt is complete!

No finish on the bottom as I’ve found with my blue skirt, that knit doesn’t really fray.

The waist is a simple fold over waist
(which I should have probably made smaller/tighter, after a day of wearing it it basically falls off from being stretched out all day, maybe someday I’ll put elastic in it…maybe)

Such a cute, fun summery print.
LOVE this skirt and I have received TONS of compliments on it.
My only complaint is that it tries to shrink up on me every time I wash it L

Satin Ribbon Belt

A friend from work gave me this adorable idea
(though I’m not sure I executed it exactly how she had envisioned)

Who would have thought that some satin, a lighter, some hot glue,
little beads and ribbon would make something SO cute? J

This was a SUPER easy project and once I started with this one I HAD to get more satin so I could have one in EvErY color
(though I actually don’t have one made I every color…yet!)

My next attempt with satin, a lighter and hot glue is a flower on a hair clip!

I’m definitely going to make some of these for gifts in the future!

(sorry, quality of this picture isn't the best)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

ZiG zAg!!!

Alright so I finally decided it was WAY overdue for me to make a quilt for, non other than

I searched around for a cute/fun pattern and came across this one
At one point I considered doing it out of Denim
(oh my freak! can you say CUTE?)

But since I'm a SuCkEr for MINKY
(dang it, I HATE sewing with Minky)
I thought Minky would give it a nice dimensional look and I figured I was up for a good challenge...

This quilt was SO time consuming
It was like sewing the front of the quilt TWICE

The way the pattern works is you
cut long strips of fabric
sew the strips together
cut the strips into squares
sew the squares into strips
sew the strips of squares together

this quilt is Cotton Fabric and Minky Fabric Zig Zag on the front
with a super soft Corduroy on the back
(all fabric purchased at JoAnns)

All in all this quilt took me a total of about 10 hours to complete
(sewing professionals please ignore this time frame)

And because I hadn't spent that much time on it
(please insert hysterical laughter)
I decided to try for the VERY first time a SCRAPPY BINDING

I do have to say though...
this is my FaVoRiTe QUILT!
not to mention, I have to fight my hubby and my son for it!
(we ALL love this quilt)

....now if only I could get the quilt for our bed done...-sigh-...someday I suppose

Another Baby Gift....

Ok, so my very good friend (who also happens to be my nail tech) was about to have a baby
Being that her and I are such good friends I decided to make her an ExTrA special gift!

I've made this pattern before for a SuPeR cute quilt for my
ADORABLE little niece ZoIe!
(The second time around is always easier)

Once I get a picture of Zoie's quilt I'll have to post that on here too...(SOOOO CUTE!)

I would like to say however, THIS quilt was my VERY first attempt to MaChInE qUiLt
(yes, that's right, Machine Quilt with my very own Janome Sewing Machine)

 and I'm proud to say that it turned out pretty good!
(not to mention I saved some money by doing it myself!) 

This quilt also began my obsession with Corduroy
it has a super thin pink Corduroy around the border and on the back, WAY CUTE
...see for yourself :)

A little Somethin’ Somethin’...

A friend of mine was having a baby shower and I wanted to make an extra cute blanket but didn’t have the time needed for a detailed quilt


I decided to pick up two pieces of fabric
some black lace

I simply sewed the two pieces of material, right sides together, with the lace in between, turned inside out, and stitched around the edge to finish it off

This blanket turned out ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE
(if I do say so myself!)

I was really pleased with how it turned out, the picture doesn’t really do it justice, it looked so dainty and pretty I wanted to keep it for me!

Who doesn’t want a NEW purse?

Another ‘One Yard Wonder’ J
Got this cute canvas weight material at JoAnn’s
I think I might have altered the instructions slightly on this pattern but it turned out just how I thought is should J

I also happened to have all the matching ribbon at home in my Ribbon STASH!
(yes, really, I had this all ribbon at my house before I even purchased this material, meant to be right?)

This is actually the SECOND style of this bag I have made. The other one I use for my Primary bag and with it being the first one, I don’t believe it to be as cute as I still needed to work out all the ‘kinks’ J
This is the purse I’m currently using though I’ve been itching to make a new one (and HAVE the material for it…PINK and GRAY COURDOROY!...I’m sure that purse is coming soon J)
For now, I’m toting this one…LOVE IT!!!!

Primary Tote :)

One of a Kind!

My mom got me this AmAzInG book for my Birthday FULL of one yard only projects
(ahhh!!!! I absolutely LOVE this book!! I had been wanting it for YEARS)
picture coming soon
One of my first projects was this adorable shirt
It was a pretty simple pattern,
3 pieces of cotton
2 for the shirt
and a 1 for the belt
Just a few measurements, cuts and some simple sewing,
anyone could make this, really.

So easy that I decided to make another one!
I love having shirts that NO ONE else has! J


Friday, August 19, 2011

Tractor Pillows

So once I decided to re-decorate Shane's room into a John Deere Tractor themed room I QUICKLY learned that John Deere products DO NOT come cheap!

I wanted Shane's bedding to match his room but was totally unwilling to pay the price.
So...what better way to get what I want than to SEW it myself?!

I guess you could call me lazy for not making the bedspread too but let me just say...
Shane sleeps in a queen size bed and I've been working on a queen size quilt for Cory & I's bed since BEFORE we got married so...I'm not about to take on ANOTHER bedspread...at least for now!

I found the green bedspread at Wal-Mart (YAY!) and found the fabric for the pillows at JoAnn's (of course!) I also added some yellow JuMbO Ric Rac just to spice things up a bit

They turned out SO cute and Shane loves them so much he won't even share his pillows with John Deere Tractor loving daddy Cory! :-)

(these are just 2 of the 3 pillows I made, there is another standart pillowcase I made as well)

Boring Frame!

So I found this cute vintage looking frame at a local craft fair and wanted to spice it up somehow...

(wheels in head start turning...)

I first decided that instead of putting a picture in the frame I wanted to give it more depth...

so I added some Brown Tulle as the 'backdrop' of the frame.
Then I created the cute champagne colored flower out of wide Satin Ribbon

.....and VOILE!

Cuteness complete!

(sorry quality of picture is not the best) :(

Tractor/Race Car Quilt

After watching me create a similar quilt for Shane's adorable little cousin Maximus, Shane said to me: "Momma, I wish you would make ME a really cool blanket" :-(

...after such a heartbreaking comment, how could I resist?!
Another reason to SEW????

So I made this quilt for my sweet little Shane for his 4th Birthday
Needless to say it was a HUGE hit, he loves it!!
(and he insists it be placed PERFECTLY over him each and every night)
(even HOT summer nights!)

The pattern originally had Race Cars on it but I had a John Deere Rag Quilt Pattern laying around...so I decided on Tractors AND Race Cars....both of Shane's FAVORITE THINGS!

I put Minky Fabric on the back and the front material is all Flannel
(sounds kinda toasty for them HOT summer nights huh?...yeah, that's what I think too)

(please excuse the head)